Every fall an election will be held to find those people that will represent our union and cause at the NEOEA and OEA Representative Assembly. These are important to voice our opinions on state wide issues that impact us. We need several people to represent us and alternates in case someone cannot make it.
Each spring the Painesville City Teachers Association will be running elections for all the union leadership positions. Along with electing President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, there are also three representative positions for each school.(One for the Pre-School) This could be the opportunity for you to get involved with helping keep your union strong. We also have many committee positions that could also use some volunteer help. Feel free to contact any of your building reps for information on how to get involved. Contact Annie Zahradnik at the Preschool to place your name on the ballot or Scott Edwards with your question or concerns. scott.edwards@pcls.net or sedwards772@sbcglobal.net or (440) 392-5157 or (440) 227-4048.
PCTA members, Please remember that unrestricted personal days can only be used before the last 15 days of the year. Therefore any personal days requested after May 5th need to include a reason for absence.
PCTA is looking for a logo to help easily identify ourselves and our message. There may have been a logo before but let’s start fresh by coming up with something new. Try come up with something that we can put on T-shirts or polo’s, websites and newsletters. We are looking for something that connects us to Painesville but stands out different than school colors. We know that we have some creative members. Contact Your building rep with your design by May 6.
UPDATE: Stephanie Timko was the winner of the gift card. Our new logo will be on T shirts to be passed out soon.